President Joe Biden’s campaign strategically used “Dark Brandon” memes on Fox News’ website and billboards across Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on the day of the first GOP presidential debate for the 2024 election. The campaign’s move was not only audacious but also well-timed, aiming to capture a broad audience during a significant political event.

Dark Brandon Campaign Ads

Joe Biden Dark Brandon Meme

“Dark Brandon” is a satirical alter-ego of Biden, which combines the anti-Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan with the popular “Dark MAGA” movement. The character has been embraced by Biden’s administration and has appeared several times across social media platforms. The meme serves as a counter-narrative to the anti-Biden sentiment and has been used to promote Biden’s effectiveness in governance.

The campaign told People magazine that it would be hosting a pro-abortion rights message featuring the president’s face on Fox News’ website, which was also live-streaming the debate. This move was particularly significant because it came after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, making the pro-choice message even more poignant.

Former President Donald Trump, who is leading in GOP primary polling, confirmed he would not attend the debate. Instead, he opted for a pre-recorded interview airing at the same time with former television host Tucker Carlson. The Republican National Committee invited eight other GOP candidates who met its polling and donor requirements. These candidates include Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Senator Tim Scott, and others.

Dark Brandon Campaign

The “Dark Brandon” campaign is not just a meme but a potent political tool that Biden’s campaign is using to engage with voters and challenge the narratives set by the opposition. It serves as a representation of Biden’s willingness to confront issues head-on and his determination to communicate his stances clearly to the American public. The campaign’s decision to feature “Dark Brandon” on a conservative platform like Fox News also indicates a willingness to engage with audiences that might not traditionally align with Biden’s policies.


In summary, the article highlights the innovative and bold strategies employed by Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign. By leveraging the “Dark Brandon” meme, the campaign aims to capture the attention of a diverse voter base, challenge the opposition, and make a strong statement on key issues like abortion rights. The timing and placement of these ads, especially on the day of the first GOP debate, underscore the campaign’s tactical acumen and willingness to take risks in the highly charged political environment leading up to the 2024 presidential election.

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