Would you like to learn more about the Dark Brandon Meme?

Origin and Evolution: “Dark Brandon” paints a picture of President Biden with a modern, edgy twist, complete with laser eyes. It’s sparked curiosity about where memes come from, especially when they’re linked to more controversial online spaces like 4chan. So, back in November 2020, this dude YANG QUAN from China started making these wild illustrations of Biden looking like some sort of evil overlord. Think Game of Thrones, but with Biden sitting on a throne made of guns, surrounded by flames. Super edgy, right? Yang’s been pushing these images with some pro-China vibes for a while.

Dark Brandon Meme

Popularity: This meme quickly became a hit among Biden’s fans, turning into a symbol of support for him and highlighting the internet’s knack for giving old content a fresh spin.

Background: “Dark Brandon” has ties to the right-wing catchphrase “Let’s Go Brandon,” a discreet jab at Joe Biden. Attempts to flip this phrase in favor of the left didn’t quite catch on. Remember the “Let’s Go Brandon” thing? It’s a sneaky way of dissing Biden. “Dark Brandon” kinda evolved from that. It started as a joke on Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok, poking fun at Trump fans. But then, as some big political moves were happening, this “Dark Brandon” version of Biden became the ultimate power player. There were TikToks with lines like “Foolish mortals, you have awoken Dark Brandon” set to “Gangsta’s Paradise.” Classic.

Depiction: The meme often shows Biden with laser eyes, a nod to classic internet jokes. It started making waves around summer 2022.

Complex Origins: “Dark Brandon” is a blend of two right-leaning meme trends: the playful “Let’s Go Brandon” and the more intense “Dark MAGA”. The first came about from a misunderstood cheer at a sports event, while the latter is a bolder take on pro-Trump memes.

Adoption by Democrats: Even with its unclear beginnings, Democrats and Biden enthusiasts have taken a liking to “Dark Brandon”, using it to depict Biden as a formidable leader. It’s a tactic reminiscent of how MAGA fans used memes to shape Trump’s persona. The White House was totally vibing with it. They even posted pics of Biden with those red laser eyes. Some folks said, “Dark Brandon is crushing it.” But, of course, not everyone was on board. Some thought it was too edgy or even reckless.

Adoption by Joe Biden:

So, Biden’s been memed before, right? There was “Uncle Joe” during the Obama era, and then some not-so-flattering ones during his presidency. But “Dark Brandon” was different. It was edgy, fun, and even the White House staff were getting in on the action. Some said it was about time Biden had some fun online, especially after a rough patch in his approval ratings.

Dark Brandon Meme Takeover

Fast forward, and these images started blowing up in the U.S. The Dems took these pics and turned them into the “Dark Brandon” meme. Even some big shots from the White House and Senate were sharing them. Instead of making Biden look bad, they spun it like he’s this mastermind playing 5D chess.

Controversies: The meme’s background and potential ties to radical views have caused some stir. A notable instance was when a White House official shared a “Dark Brandon” meme, leading some to see links to extremist imagery.


The piece hints that “Dark Brandon” could be a way to use online jokes to push forward progressive ideas, countering the stories spun by far-right online circles. Yet, it’s up in the air whether this kind of strategy can last. Being a Biden supporter might’ve been a drag for a bit, but “Dark Brandon” changed the game. It was like a breath of fresh air for Dems. Some even said it showed things were looking up for the administration.The story highlights the intricate nature of online trends, showing how memes can change and adapt, sometimes making their original message a bit fuzzy. So, there you have it. The rise of “Dark Brandon” – from a meme with shady origins to a symbol of power and fun in politics.

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