Hey Fam,

You’ve probably heard me or others mention the “Dark Brandon” meme and wondered what on earth we’re talking about. Well, I thought I’d take a moment to explain it to you in detail. It’s a fascinating blend of politics, internet culture, and marketing strategy. So, grab a cup of tea, and let’s dive in!

Dark Brandon Meme

1. The World of Memes

Before we get into the specifics of “Dark Brandon,” it’s essential to understand what memes are. Memes are cultural symbols or ideas that spread virally, primarily through the internet. They can be images, videos, phrases, or even just concepts. They’re a way for people to communicate, often humorously, about shared experiences or ideas.

2. The Origin of “Let’s Go Brandon”

The story begins with a right-wing chant, “Let’s go Brandon.” This phrase became popular among some groups as a coded way of expressing disapproval of President Joe Biden, essentially saying “F*** Joe Biden” without using those exact words. It originated from a misinterpretation during a sports event, where the crowd was chanting something else, but a reporter mistakenly thought they were saying “Let’s go Brandon.”

3. The Birth of “Dark Brandon”

In response to the “Let’s go Brandon” chant, internet users, especially those supportive of Biden, decided to flip the narrative. They created a meme portraying President Biden with red, laser-like eyes, symbolizing him as a powerful and strategic figure, almost like he’s playing “five-dimensional chess.” This version of Biden is referred to as “Dark Brandon.”

4. The Significance of the Red Eyes

Dark Brandon Meme Joe Biden

You might wonder, why red eyes? In internet culture, red or laser eyes often symbolize power, dominance, or a particular kind of knowledge. By giving Biden these eyes, the meme suggests that he’s always several steps ahead of his opponents, masterfully navigating the complex world of politics.

5. From Meme to Merchandise

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Recognizing the popularity of the “Dark Brandon” meme, the Biden campaign decided to capitalize on it. They started incorporating the image of a smiling, red-eyed Biden on various campaign merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and posters. This move was both a nod to the meme’s supporters and a clever marketing strategy.

6. The Impact on Campaign Funding

Every political campaign needs funds to operate, and small donors play a significant role in this. Before the “Dark Brandon” merchandise, the Biden campaign faced challenges in raising funds from these donors. However, the meme’s popularity and the subsequent merchandise gave the campaign a much-needed boost in sales and funding.

7. Why Memes Matter in Politics

You might think, “It’s just a meme, why does it matter?” But in today’s digital age, memes have become a powerful tool for political communication. They can sway public opinion, mobilize supporters, and even influence policy decisions. By understanding and harnessing the power of memes, politicians can connect with younger generations and make their campaigns more relatable and engaging.


So, there you have it, Mom! The story of the “Dark Brandon” meme is a testament to the ever-evolving world of internet culture and its impact on real-world events. It’s a reminder that even in the serious world of politics, a simple meme can make waves, change narratives, and even boost campaign coffers. I hope this helps you understand the phenomenon a bit better. And who knows, maybe you’ll start spotting more memes and their influence in the world around you!

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