Joe Biden is the Dark Brandon

Can Joe Biden restore decency and purpose to the White House after Trump has damaged it through his vindictiveness, lawlessness, and egomania?

He has proposed an ambitious plan to revive the economy and reimagine social safety net, while fighting climate change. He would reinsert scientists back into their proper roles while increasing test-and-trace programs.

Dark Brandon

Disability Rights Plan

Joe Biden stands out in an otherwise inclusive Democratic primary field by remaining stuck in the 1990s on disability plans. Polling data demonstrates that voters with disabilities represent an electorally significant constituency and deserve candidates who prioritize them as constituents.

Biden pledges in his plan to implement and enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act and ensure workers with disabilities have access to affordable health care and support services. Furthermore, he advocates for states allowing individuals with disabilities to select home- and community-based care that fits them individually.

Biden’s plan seeks to reduce stigma by supporting communications that present disability as both an identity to be celebrated and an inclusive community with great power for equity. Unfortunately, his proposal has yet to address thorny systemic issues related to employment, housing and federal entitlements; rather it largely addresses his personal experiences of having a stuttering disorder rather than providing comprehensive disability rights policy solutions.


Healthcare reform remains one of the chief domestic challenges for any President, and Biden has pledged to fully uphold Obamacare’s promises of expanding coverage, reducing costs, and improving marketplace exchanges. His proposal would add a public option and increase existing subsidies so more Americans could afford private insurance – taking an incremental approach instead of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” proposal.

Early fundraising suggests that Joe Biden’s message has resonated with voters. According to the Democratic National Committee, over 400,000 individuals have contributed, most giving less than $200. “Dark Brandon,” an internet meme depicting Biden with lasers in his eyes, accounts for half of Biden’s online store revenue.

But it remains uncertain how far Biden’s campaign can progress; his approval ratings have steadily decreased since his first year, likely as a result of continuing worries regarding US withdrawal from Afghanistan and rising consumer prices.


Biden has consistently supported progressive policies designed to please two key constituencies of Democratic support: young people and blue-collar workers. He plans on paying for them by rolling back Trump-era tax cuts. For instance, student loan forgiveness and expanding tuition-free colleges would please both groups.

Biden became well-known during his 36 years in the Senate for his leadership on both domestic and international issues, particularly criminal justice reform. He helped lead the fight against drugs, supported the 1993 Violence Against Women Act, and spearheaded passage of major voting rights legislation as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

As an outspoken critic of Republican foreign policies, he pledged to restore US engagement in world affairs and repair relationships with allies while opposing “Maga Republicans” such as Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Beau’s struggle inspired his mission that he carried out daily.


An NPR/Ipsos poll found that when it comes to immigration, more than eight in 10 voters believe the system is broken. They want improved border security as well as citizenship paths for Dreamers (immigrants brought illegally into the U.S. as children), refugees and other immigrant groups such as Dreamers.

However, in order to enact meaningful reforms successfully, the next president will require more than just an adequate Senate majority. Congress may need Republican help as well, especially given intense opposition from immigrant rights groups.

An administration led by Biden-Harris could quickly push through legislation to make it easier for undocumented students to obtain permanent status, increase visa availability for international scholars and professionals, review policies that have led to higher rejection rates of H-1B visa applications and make it simpler for spouses of H-1B holders to get permanent work permits; reinstate the Central American Minors program; as well as creating new family-based visas for immigrants holding advanced degrees.

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