Well, ma’am, let me tell you about this thing called “Dark Brandon.” It’s a meme, which is like a funny picture or phrase that spreads around the internet. This one is about President Joe Biden, but it’s a bit of a joke version of him with laser eyes. Now, why is it called “Dark Brandon,” you ask? Well, it’s a play on a phrase folks were using to criticize Biden, called “Let’s Go Brandon.” Some folks turned that around to make a meme supporting Biden instead.

Dark Brandon 2024 Meme of the Year

Dark Brandon Meme Laser Eyes

Now, this “Dark Brandon” character is like a superhero version of Biden. It’s been used to celebrate some of the things he’s done in office. Even the White House has gotten in on the joke. At a big dinner with reporters, Biden put on sunglasses and made a reference to this “Dark Brandon,” and people cheered.

What is “Let’s Go Brandon”?

But here’s where it gets a bit complicated. This meme didn’t start out all fun and games. The original phrase, “Let’s Go Brandon,” was actually a coded way to say something not-so-nice about Biden. And this “Dark MAGA” thing it’s mixed with? That’s a style of meme that some far-right folks use, and it can get pretty dark and hateful.

So, you see, this “Dark Brandon” meme is kinda like taking lemons and making lemonade. Some people started with something negative and turned it into something positive to support Biden. It’s a way for folks to say, “Hey, we support our President, and we can have a little fun while doing it.”

It’s interesting how these internet jokes can turn into something bigger. Some folks love it, some don’t, but that’s the way of the world these days. So next time you hear about “Dark Brandon,” you’ll know it’s not some new TV show but a way folks are talking about politics in this new-fangled internet age.

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